I say it time and time again, Tuesdays are killer! In more ways than one. Exhausting and exciting. I love Tuesday nights and hate Wednesday mornings. I start to understand more and more why alcohol is considered a depressant. While the buzz is good you feel like your invincible and there's no stopping you. If you drink one more drink while you have 'the buzz' you transform from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde. You become irrational say the wrong things maybe stumble a bit and then feel the world ending (that's when I stop giving examples of what can occur next in the sequence of events.. it can get gross). Now if you're smart and have mastered the 'buzz keeping' you drink lots of water and stop drinking while you're still good (moderation is KEY!) So after all that craziness happens you finally get home drink some more water pop in two ibuprofen (screw the 'brands' that's the active ingredient in all the Advil's and Aleve's of the world)and call it a night. You would think your good to go but for some reason the two gallons of water you downed and two ibuprofen only helped a 'tad. Then all the fun is out the window and the 'depressant' part kicks in. You find yourself like me... hair is a hot mess, wearing a hoodie with shorts, listening to jack Johnson, coldplay and john mayer back to back, and craving McDonald's more than anything else. All I need is my music, internet, onDemand and 800 McDonald's calories from fat in me!
btw...Im loving JM's guitar solo in 'Covered in Rain' from the As:Is album
If anyone has not seen TrueBlood then get on that HBO and start! I was told it's good but that's an understatement its great!!! Thanks Mari for suggesting it! Go Suki! and I love Bill
Recent flicks: The Happening... and let me tell you it's just not 'happening'. How can I put this mildly.. IT BLOWS!!!!!! M. Night Shamalyn did it again another stinker. He's just lucky he has the money to produce his films and a kick as trailer editor. Soooo not what I expected. Bad move for Zooey Deschanel and Mark Walberg.
Obat Sipilis Apotik Ampuh
6 years ago
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